Sunday 2 November 2014

Goodreads tag!

                 The Goodreads Tag
                                                                My goodreads link

What is the last book you read?

The one by Kiera Cass which is the third book in the series. I love this series and I rated all three books with 5 stars on said goodreads.

What are you currently reading?

The scorch trials by James Dashner the second book in the maze runner series, but I am yet to even read a sentence of it; gossip girl has taken over my life.

What is the last book you marked as TBR (to be read)?

White hot kiss by Jennifer L.Armentrout because shamefully I am yet to read one of her books, and I've heard this book is great despite its terrible cover and title.

               see terrible cover^

What book do you plan on reading next?

The infinite sea by Rick Yancey, because it has been sitting on my shelf for a while, and my friend just finished the 5th wave which she borrowed from me, so I am sure she'll want it soon.

Do you use the star rating system?

Yes I do however I don't think it is the best way of seeing if a book is good or not; two 5 star books may not be at the same level.

Are you doing a 2014 reading challenge?

Yes I am I set out to read 30 books and I have read 28, but its only just November! I am 3 books ahead of schedule. I still don't know how many to read in 2015 though help???

Do you have a wishlist?

No and I probably won't get one.

What book do you plan on buying next?

Ummm good question maybe the death cure and the kill order by James Dashner, or the Percy Jackson books because I have read the first two. 

Any favourite quotes?

'All the stories are true.' - city of bones 'Hodge'
'I undress to impress.'- finale 'Patch'
'I turn myself down occasionally, just to keep it interesting.' - city of bones 'Jace'
“Don't touch any of my weapons without my permission."
"Well, there goes my plan for selling them all on eBay," Clary muttered.
"Selling them on what?"
Clary smiled blandly at him. "A mythical place of great magical power.”  - city of bones

“Will looked horrified. "What kind of monster could possibly hate chocolate?” -clockwork angel.

So you know everything Cassandra Clare writes I would quote.

Who are your favourite authors?

Well as you may have been able to tell definitely Cassandra Clare anything that wonderful women writes I will read.


Becca Fitzpatrick 

Ally Carter

Kiera Cass

but truly I admire anyone who can sit and actually finish writing a book, I have tried so many times and failed miserably. I either get bored of the books concept or can't think of more than two interesting characters, because they all just end up sounding the same.

Have you joined any groups on goodreads?

Yes like readathons and such but I don't really get involved in them. 

What could goodreads do better?

Mainly for me it's the search bar that needs to be easier to use instead of having to type the entire title out perfectly! Also a better rating system. Also I would a section where you can write a sort of status, and please take away the friend limit!!!

That is all for now goodbye hunni's 

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